Avant Garde Type Trump card Comic Sans card

Recent graduate of Cumbria University, Rick Banks, has created a set of Top Trumps style cards where classic typefaces are the subject matter – hence the name, Type Trumps. Each card is designed to make the most of the particular font it features, and typophiles will happily find such faces as Frankfurter, Times, Helvetica, Johnston Underground, Neu Alphabet in the pack. Type Trumps players can battle it out using such statistics as year of design, the amount of weights, cost etc to win their opponent’s cards. Banks has given each typeface a “rating” score, a “legibility” score and even a “special power”… For example, Clarendon beats Poppi on price but Poppi wins in the weights department – having nine over Clarendon’s three…

Here are some of our favourite cards from the pack…

Arete card Stripes Type Trump card

Various Type Trump cards

Type Trumps packshot

See more of the cards and Banks’ work, visit his website: www.face37.com and also find/buy some of his work on Blanka

[From Type Trumps pack]